The Ultimate List of Things to Buy for your Wedding 

Wedding planning is indeed a great task. Starting from the wedding arrangements till it actually happens, a lot of things to be arranged. It is very important to keep things noted and organised in a proper manner. So that no hurdle comes in between the wedding. Also it involves a dream of both bride and groom, so it is a lot more important to keep everything in order. A properly organised wedding planning will make sure that everyone will remember that day for years to come. So let us know in this article, the wedding to do list which you must buy and arrange for a happy and organised wedding planning.

1.Wedding planning: Wedding Programs 

No matter if it is a Hindu or a Christian wedding, mostly the programs are much similar in both religions. So let us know about all of them in detail one by one. 

(a)Pre wedding photoshoot

Though it is not a much required wedding event, it has become very popular. Here, the Bride and groom visit a few beautiful places of their choice and click photos in different wonderful poses. So for this, you must have a Professional photographer to click beautiful and amazing photos. 

(b)Wedding planning: Haldi and Mehndi ceremony

These 2 ceremonies are common for both Hindu and Christian weddings. In Haldi ceremony, Turmeric paste is applied on the bride and groom. It is believed that Haldi makes the bride and groom more glowing for the wedding day. So that is the reason behind this ceremony.

Another is Mehndi ceremony in which both bride and groom apply Mehndi in their hands of each other. It is believed that the darker the color of their mehndi, the more love and bond they will share for the rest of their life. 

(c) Sangeet

It is a fun filled function for the bride and groom. In this function, both families including bride and groom dance on wedding songs. You will love this function as it is much fun to see dance performances of various family members, friends and future bride- groom.

(d)Bachelor Party

It is organised just one day before the wedding to celebrate their bachelor and bachelorette life before the wedding happens. Close friends of the bride and groom organise this function for them before they finally get married.

(e)Wedding day

Finally the day arrives for which everyone waits for- The actual wedding day. Both bride and groom exchange vows and rings.  All loved ones bless the newly weds for a happy married life.

(f) Wedding planning: Wedding reception

This is the welcoming gesture from the groom’s family to invite a new bride into their house. Both friends and family members of the bride and groom join this event and bless the couple. 

2.Wedding planning: Wedding shopping list 

As mentioned above, there are many functions to be organised for a wedding. So you are required to prepare a complete list of things to buy for the wedding.  Below are some things which must be included in your wedding items for shopping-

(a)Wedding planning: Bride and Groom Wedding Wear

This is the first and foremost among the things you need for a wedding which must be included in the wedding shopping list. You must arrange wedding attire much before a wedding so that if it requires any change or adjustment, then it can be made. Besides this, you need to arrange various bridal things like accessories, jewelry, veil, lingerie, sandals, jacket and wrap and makeup kit for a bride. These are some of the wedding products for a bride. 

(b) Outfit for different functions

Since weddings involve many functions, you need to arrange outfits for the bride and groom for those functions. This is very important since they are only the center of attraction for everyone. So this is a wedding must-have. 

(c) Family members outfit

Besides bride and groom, your wedding stuff must include outfits for family members and relatives. So you must include it in the wedding essentials.

(d)Wedding gifts

This is another required item needed for a wedding to be included in the wedding things to buy. Though it is not a much required item, it is a beautiful gesture which must be followed to honour guests who have given their precious time to bless the newly weds. Besides this, it must include a special wedding gift for the couple to make them feel special on their wedding day. They are among various things needed for a wedding.

3.Venue and Wedding decoration 

Now the next thing in the wedding to do list is Wedding decor. This includes below provided crucial aspects. 

(a)Wedding planning: Venue for various pre wedding functions

Firstly you are required to book a venue for different pre wedding functions. This can be decided based on various aspects. For instance, you must keep in mind the no. of guests for the functions. This is because it must not be so small that guests will feel suffocation there and not too large as it will be much more expensive. So try to choose a reasonable one depending on the guest list.

Secondly, if you are choosing an open venue then you must take precautions. It is because in case it is the rainy season, then problems may occur. This means you must make proper arrangements if rain occurs during any functions. 

(b)Wedding Venue

All the above aspects must be considered while deciding a wedding venue. Besides this, you must book a wedding venue much in advance if it is the wedding season. This is because it may happen that you will not get your desired venue. 

(c) Wedding decoration

Next thing which is included in the list of items needed for a wedding is wedding decoration. Wedding decor is something which attracts the guests towards the wedding. Also it feels very pleasant and special to the wedding couple. So for wedding decoration, you must choose the best flowers and bouquets according to the couple’s choice since it is their special day. 

(d)Aisle decoration

For christian weddings, it is the next important thing for a bride. Aisle should be beautifully decorated with flowers and other stuff which can be used. 

4.Wedding planning: Other Stuff for weddings

Besides above, there are other wedding things which are required for Wedding planning. 

(a)Wedding cards and guest list

You must decide which guests you would like to invite to the wedding. Next you are required to design wedding cards. For this, you can choose electronic invitation cards, physical inviting persons by going to their houses and can also post cards if not possible to go there.

(b)Wedding and different functions menu 

Next you must decide a perfect menu for your weddings and different pre wedding functions. This is a very crucial weddings essentials. So it must be decided based on the preferences of both bride and groom. 


It is indeed a very special day for a wedding couple. So there is much need to capture those beautiful moments. So you must hire a perfect professional photograph for all wedding related functions.


Next you must choose the best DJ for the wedding functions. This is because the best music will add more fun and memories to the Wedding. 

(e) Cake

This is another thing to be added to the wedding day checklist for Christian weddings. It is a tradition in these weddings to cut cake after exchanging rings and taking vows. Cake must also be decided as per Couple’s choice.

(f)Welcome, reserved seats, direction signs

Besides above, weddings must include properly different signs like Reserved seats, Welcome and Direction signs. 

Wedding planning: Conclusion

I have tried to mention almost everything you need for a wedding. So I would suggest to apply these tips for successful wedding planning. 


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