Learning about this natural world is just full of fun. And learning some amazing facts about animals is a great way to explore nature, right? The diversity of the animal kingdom never fails to amaze us. This kingdom is a landmark of the home to several amazing traits. Here we will discuss some behavior and habits which you never known before. So, let’s go and check those amazing facts about animals that will blow your mind.
Amazing facts about animals that will surprise you
- Ostrich runs faster than horses: We all know that Ostrich is the largest living bird in the world. Generally, their habitat is in hot savannahs and woodlands of Africa. They can live without water for a long time. These flightless birds cannot fly but they can run faster than horses. And the other interesting facts about ostrich are that male ostriches can roar like a Lion adding hiss with it.
- Hummingbird can fly backward too: Most of the birds fly moving their wings up and down. But hummingbird has different and much more complex style. Hummingbird, the smallest bird in the world, is an incredible flyer. It can fly backward as well as forward. Hummingbirds can hover and beat their wings up to 80 times per second. They have a unique ball and socket joint on their shoulder that allows them to rotate their wings 180 degrees in all directions. As the wings of these tiny birds are narrow, long and tapered, they can move quickly and easily through the air.
- Butterflies’ eyes have thousands of lenses: The butterfly is one of the most colorful creatures on the Earth. Its wings are precisely attractive and full of colors, but it can only see the colors red, green, and yellow. Butterflies have two compound eyes which consist of thousands of lenses. Another amazing fact about butterflies is that they use their feet to identify if the plant they have landed on is toxic or not. Yes, butterflies have one kind of receptors on their legs that are quite similar to the taste buds of humans. Using these receptors they save themselves from harmful things.
- Oysters can turn into females: Oysters are usually born as males but then they turn into females. Now, this fact is pretty interesting that oysters can change their sex or gender depending on which is the best for mating. aren’t these amazing facts about animals really intrigues?
- The world has lost all-white rhinoceros: Sudan was the world’s last surviving male northern white rhino who died in 2018. The white rhinoceros have two sub-spices that are the southern white rhino and the critically endangered Northern white rhino. Of them, the northern white rhino has extinct according to WWF in the year 2008. The saddest part is that his death leaves only two females of the subspecies alive on the Earth.
Ok, Read on for more amazing facts about animals.
- Yes, Black cats are lucky: Black cats have always been subject to superstition in many countries. People of the European countries consider black cats unlucky. But there is always an exception. The strange fact is that people of Britain, Japan, and some other parts of the world consider that black cats are a sign of good luck. The German people think that it is a bad omen if a black cat crosses the path from right to left. Though all these are myths, hopefully, one-day people will realize that when a black cat crosses the path, it simply means the cat is moving somewhere and nothing else. Stay tuned for more amazing facts about animals.
- you know, lobsters can live forever? : Do you know that some lobsters have an extraordinary life span? Some research says that lobsters can live forever. Lobsters are not immortal but it is difficult to figure the ages out. Lobsters can live up to 100 years. They have amazing survival skills that are the ability to grow back body parts when they lose it. This feature is not so common in other animals.
- Chameleon can change body color as per need: One of the interesting facts about animals is changing their body color according to their needs. Chameleon is one of the few animals who can change their color to match the surroundings. Another interesting fact is the tongue of a chameleon is as long as its body. It seems quite surprising but it is true.
- Snakes never stop growing: Here are some amazing facts about snakes. Most of the snakes never stop growing. But the growth rate slows when it gets older. They always shed their skin and have no eyelids. moreover, they also have not any external ear. There is another interesting fact which is extremely interesting. Experts found the biggest fossils of a snake and that was fifty feet long.
- Ant can kill humans: Mostly in Australia you will get to see a dangerous and that can kill humans. The black Bulldog ant, the most dangerous and that can sting and bite animals and people alike and can take their lives.
It will blow your mind when you think about the multitude of creatures that exist in this world. The list might even surprise a zoologist. From the tiny flea to the huge blue whale, each animal possesses unique characteristics that make it stand out from the rest. Hope, this article on amazing facts about animals enchants you.