Karnataka College Reopening: Post-matric hostels to reopen from Nov 17

Karnataka Government took the toughest decision of Karnataka College Reopening in its recent meeting. This decision was tough because of the life risk involved in it. Schools and colleges were closed due to the ever increasing cases of Corona Pandemic.  

They are closed since 7-8 months.  But now after that when the Government has noticed fall in Corona cases. They decided it was a positive sign for the state. So they decided to reopen closed colleges. Though Corona cases have not reduced completely. But this decision is required  now. Student’s future are the reasons behind it. 

Karnataka College Reopening: Post-matric hostels to reopen from Nov 17

Read this article to know more about Karnataka College Reopening decision. Then, you will know Reopening Date, pre-requirements for students before joining colleges. Besides this, it will also let you know safety measures taken for students.

Karnataka College Reopening date 

Karnataka College Reopening decision has been taken by the State Government.  They are opening in 2 phases. In first phase, they are reopening degree, diploma and engineering colleges from 17 November. Reopening Date of Paramedical, Ayush and nursing colleges will be 1 December. 

Besides this, hostels will open from 15 November. They are opening 2 days earlier because of a reason. The reason is to make students aware about changes made. These changes are made to cope with the Corona risk.

Pre-Requirements before joining colleges 

But before joining, students, teachers and other college staff need to follow a few instructions. Government has advised to follow it. It is required for  for safety of college students, teachers and other staff. So students must follow these requirements. 

Below are those pre-requirements- 

  • They must submit a COVID-19 RT-PCR negative test report.
  • Report submitted must be 72 hours earlier than the joining date. 
  • They must follow instructions like wearing a mask, use of sanitizers.
  • It is necessary to follow Social distancing norms for COVID-19

Karnataka College Reopening- Safety measures for students

1.Setting up of Task Force

It is the First step taken by Karnataka Government.  It involve to set up a task force. This task force will perform some functions.
Following will be functions of this task force-

  • To enforce social distancing norms and other COVID-19 norms.
  • Health Department of college (if any) or Principal will regulate it.
  • To collect COVID-19 testing samples of students, staff.
  • To monitor health conditions of college students and staff.
  • Coordination with the health department of districts.
  • To make available smooth health checkups for everyone. 
  • To ensure college students and staff submit test samples.
  • Spreading awareness regarding safety measures adopted to fight Covid-19 infection.

2.Duty to submit list of Students attending Colleges

This is another duty after Karnataka college reopening. This is to submit a list of students ready to attend colleges. Time limit to submit it is 20 days. On the basis of this list, Government will decide future moves.  These will include prescribing days of opening of Colleges in a week or month. Besides this, they will also decide whether to conduct them on shift basis or not. 

3.Various Options available for college students

After Karnataka College reopening there will be 3 options available.These are given as under- 

  • Offline classes- In this option, they may attend colleges at their own risk. It will also require parent’s written consent.
  • Online Classes- Another option is attending colleges through online mode now also. It is already in force from October.
  • Mix of Online and Offline Classes- Besides this, they can opt  to attend some online classes and some offline classes. In this students can come to college for few days in a week.

Students need to submit an option chosen by them. This is very important for colleges.  On the basis of it, they will decide alternate days of conducting classes. Besides they will decide no. of students in 1 batch. It will also help to decide conducting classes on shift basis- Morning and evening. 

Karnataka College Reopening- Still Conflicting views on Decision

Government has already decided for Karnataka College Reopening . But still there are conflicting views about it. Some people and opposition party is against it. People are still doubting whether this decision is right for the current situation. Besides this, there is also a doubt of life risk of college students. There is still a fear that it might increase corona cases again. 

It might happen that some students don’t follow rules. As a result of which, other students will suffer. A mistake can affect other student’s health. So it can be said as a risky decision.

Opposition party of Karnataka is strictly against it. They are of the opinion that it is a very risky and foolish decision. They think that it might badly affect the life of students. It may also increase the corona cases again in the state. So lets see whether it will prove as a good decision or a bad one. 

Conclusion- Hoping for the best future 

Reopening decision can make better future of students. But there is still a Corona pandemic risk. At this time, we can just hope and pray to God. Praying for better health and safety. Everyone is predicting that it might control now. So let’s just hope for a Corona free society. Then it will not be much affect to student’s health. 


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