5 Amazing peoples who (Most Amazing peoples in world)
Changed themselves in a different way!!
1. Dennis Avner

Stalking Cat aka Dennis Avner was born on August 27, 1958, and died on
November 5, 2012. He was an American man who was known for his
extensive body modifications which resemble a tigress. He did 14 surgical
procedures to achieve his goal, he also held a world record for “most
permanent transformations to look like an animal.”
The society named him as ‘Stalking Cat’ he became well known in a community
called ‘The furry community’ and after his biography named ‘WikiFur’, he
became more famous. But after 2007 August he started facing some financial
troubles, he also posted publicly on his online profile that he needed a new
place to live.

In September 2007, at age 49, Stalking Cat moved to Tonopah, Nevada and on
November 5, 2012, he died alone in his garage and at the time he was 54 years
old. BMEzine founder Shannon Larratt told publicly that his death was a suicide
which was discovered one week later.
His body modification was done by an Arizona-based artist named Steve
Haworth. He had over 14 modifications, including:
Ø Extensive tattooing which includes facial tattooing
Ø Facial subdermal implants which change the shape of his brow, forehead,
and the bridge of his nose
Ø Flattening his nose, via septum relocation
Ø Silicone injection in his lips, cheeks, chin, and other parts of his face
Ø Splitting his upper lip
Ø Filing and capping his teeth
Ø Surgically shaping his ears, making his ears pointed and his earlobes
Ø Surgical hairline modification
Ø Piercing his upper lip and transdermal implants on his forehead so that
whiskers may grow
Ø Wearing green contact lenses with slit irises
Ø Wearing a robotic tail

2.Rodrigo Braga

A man in Brazil named “Rodrigo Braga” has undergone surgery to look like a
dog. According to reports Rodrigo loves dogs and he wanted to look like them.
He stated that the work on him is been created by the use of procedures that
contain mixed plastic production and digital manipulation. He stated that
during his transformation no animal was caused to suffer or die.

Erik Spargue
Erik Sprague was born on June 12, 1972, and is known professionally by a
name The Lizardman. He is an American freak show and sideshow performer
who is best known for his body modification, including his sharpened teeth, a
full-body tattoo of green scales, bifurcated tongue, subdermal implants and
green-inked lips.

Sprague became famous for his heavy body modifications which include
tongue bifurcation and tattooing. He also performs sideshow like the human
blockhead, fire eating and breathing, gavage, sword swallowing, the bed of
nails, the Human Dartboard, the cranial corkscrew, and (Most Amazing peoples in world) the insectivore. He also
writes articles on his Body Modification called E-zine, he also owns a rock band
Erik also has a Guinness World Record for ‘Most weight lifted and swung from
the ear lobes’ on the set of ‘Lo Show Dei Record’ in Milan, Italy on 19 Jun 2014.

3.Mauricio Goldi

Mauricio Caio Galdi was born on August 12, 1988, in Palizzi. He is an
Italian actor, voice actor, entrepreneur and the first Human Doll to sign both
national and international television contracts. Mauricio was the first human
who brings the concept of a living Ken doll in Brazil and now he is officially
known as the Human Ken Doll and also demystified the culture of human dolls,
showing that it is not linked only to people addicted to plastic
surgery. Mauricio won two consecutive awards at the government palace.

4.Herbert Chavez

In Filipino, there is a man called Herbert Chavez, who calls himself the biggest
fan of Superman’s. To achieve superman looks he has already undergone 26
painful plastic surgery procedures to transform his Asian face into a carbon
copy of his idol.
Chavez says “Superman has always been my obsession since I saw one of his
movies at the age of four”.
In his house, everything contains “S” which includes everything like shower
curtains, glasses, toothbrush, cups, combs and every essential item of his
house which is situated in Laguna which is southwest of Manila.
“It has always been my dream to be like him and I have done everything
possible to become like him,” he explains, with a smile.
Since 1998, Chavez has undergone several surgeries including the nose, lips,
chin and hips – besides undergoing liposuction and skin whitening procedures –
which give him a radically different appearance from the one he had before
the procedures.
Chavez holds a Guinness Book of Records for owning the largest collection of
Superman memorabilia in the world with 1253 certified items which in reality
is around 5000.