Merry Christmas Folks, hope you had a bang on Christmas. The entire world celebrated the day with a brand new style. We are happy to share with you that the trends for Christmas are changing in a positive way. People around the world are getting incline towards great deeds. All these amazing pieces of good gestures made this Christmas by far more special for every one of us. You deserve to know more about the captivating celebrations of this year. Here we are writing down most astonishing trends of Christmas 2019.
About the Day
It is not evident that Jesus Christ born on 25th December since there is no mention in the Bible. In 336 Christmas was celebrated on 25th December for the first time in Roman Empire. Since then 25th December has declared as a day of Christmas. Though many Christian scholars have argued still, the ate hasn’t changed. Theories have been presented to validate celebration of Christmas on this day and most of them direct towards 25th December.
One of the famous theories includes Winter Solstice which is otherwise known as Yule. Winter Solstice is said to be the day when there is the shortest time between sunrise and sunset. It usually falls during 21-23 of December. Pagans celebrated this day as a sun conquering over darkness. Similarly, Romans also used to celebrate the day in the form of the festival of Saturnalia. Since this date was a holiday at that time many say that Christians took this date for Christmas.
Sanity of Christmas
Australia holds the heart of Christmas. Like every year, again Christmas arrived here in the middle of summer. Individuals rushed towards the beach and wrapped it over in the name of “Carols by Candlelight”. In Australia, all kids of Jesus sang songs, danced and greeted their very own Santa with warm hugs.
Vibes of Christmas
America again rocked the floor and showed the eternal love for Christmas. All of the Christmas enthusiasts offered the purest prayers to God and participated in various shopping marathons. The decoration of Christmas trees added moon in the celebration. A new trend of Christmas took place this time, people tried different versions of carol with multiple instruments.

Peace of Christmas
Despite the fact that 25th December isn’t an official holiday in China, the population of China prefers to make major involvement in Christmas. The country wished Merry Christmas with peace apples packed with colorful papers and delivered with special Christmas messages.
Lights of Christmas
The Philippines never misses to stunned the whole planet with its huge Christmas celebration. The same thing happened on this eve too. All Christmas lovers invested honest efforts in decorations and The Light factor remained the real plus of The Philippines style Christmas.
In conclusion that’s how the wait of Christmas 2019 found a pause. There is something about Christmas that teaches glorifying lessons of affection and care. See you next year Christmas, be back pretty soon. We are waiting for you.