New Delhi, February 15, 2020: Head lice are very common these days. Especially those who are with kids, often get inflicted by these tiny blood suckers. Mind it, they are behind many life threatening diseases. Though, there are measures to get rid of these minute creatures. Even then, the infestation relapses. They keep coming over again and again. Therefore, sincere efforts are needed to eliminate them.
Blood sucking insects
They are wingless blood sucking insects living in human heads. Lice live in human hair and feed on blood from the scalp. An adult grown up louse measures to the size of a sesame seed. Whereas, their eggs which are known as nits are like flake of Dandruff.
Highly contagious
When these insects crawl into head you can get infected. The infection spreads through head to head contact. They are transmitted from person who is already carrying these insects. Additionally sharing items like comb, towel and pillow can lead to infestation. They are highly contagious. Also can survive for longer periods. Especially in beds, pillow and other fabrics.
Behind Severe illnesses
Head lice cause many serious diseases. Naming a few is Epidemic typhus, Relapsing fever, and Trench fever. They are caused by Rickettsia prowazekii, Borrelia recurrentis, and Bartonella quintana, respectively. These illnesses were there for centuries. However, they have become a major health concern these days.
Epidemic Typhus
Is the most prominent of the typhus group of diseases. The onset of signs and symptoms happens with fever. Soon other flu-like symptoms appear in one or two weeks of infection. Within five to nine days a rash typically begins and spreads to the extremities. As a result, it spreads over most of the body. Although, spares face, palms, and soles. It is bacterial infection spread by lice. In case where left untreated in due time it can lead to hospitalization.
Relapsing Fever
The illness involves recurrent acute episodes of fever. These are followed by periods of fall in bodily temperature for increased duration. The infection is caused by various spirochete species of the Borrelia genus. Head lice are the carriers of this bacteria. Once infected, patient needs immediate medical attention. If left untreated it can prove fatal.
Trench Fever
It is a moderately serious disease transmitted by lice. However, can potentially prove life threatening if left untreated. The disease includes five-day fever of the relapsing type. The onset of symptoms is usually sudden, with high fever, severe headache. It is followed by pain on moving the eyeballs, soreness of the muscles of the legs and back. The initial fever is usually followed in a few days by a single, short rise. But there may be many relapses. The most constant symptom is pain in the legs. Recovery takes a month or more.
This is how you can prevent
If you are also going through lice infection these steps may help. Avoiding activities which involve head to head contact is better. Sharing items like comb, towel and clothes lead to lice infestation. So you better be stop. Along with that items like head phones, coats should never be shared. Despite all, if you develop aforesaid symptoms go and see your doctor.