Dhanauri Wetlands-
Have you ever stopped working, turned off your electronics and gone somewhere peaceful, like the countryside (Place in Noida to visit) or for a walk in the woods? It’s beautiful, isn’t it? Rather than remaining blissfully unaware of the beautiful nature around you, take time and visit one of the hidden places Dhanauri wetland-
An incredible sight to visit!
Like when we say -Some birds are not meant to be caged, that’s all. Their feathers are too bright, their songs too sweet and wild. So you let them go, or when you open the cage to feed them they somehow fly out past you. Spotting the Siberian duck populate towards the end of June all at the 31-hectare wetlands looks like for more betterment of affirming to the glory of classical days.
Siberian cranes-
Siberian cranes are also known named snow cranes. During winter in Siberia, it is dead cold, daylight is short, food is scarce. So they look for better living conditions elsewhere to rear their young ones and to have better-living situations. In India, there is a place name Dhanauri wetlands which is winter home for Siberian Cranes from much before the arrival of humans. The earliest evidence of the presence of the species comes from the 17th century.
Ramsar Convention-
Ramsar sites are protected in a very strict manner and guidelines. Dhanauri meets at least two to three of the nine criteria listed under the Ramsar Convention. It holds an international protection status. Once approved, it will be the 28th wetland in India, and only the second from UP will declare a Ramsar site. There are at least 150-200 Sarus Cranes and around 50,000 birds from 261 species which can be spotted in a year.
Siberian cranes mate for life-
It’s a good sight, though not earth-shattering. These birds are the last to leave and first ones to arrive and it is usual for them to fly tirelessly and consistently for a long time without losing much weight. Siberian (Place in Noida to visit) cranes mate for life. When they form a pair bond, it can last for years, until one of the cranes dies. After a mate passes away, the surviving crane will seek out a new mate. Whenever you will visit this place, no matter what the weather, it will always bring your sunshine. In every walk with nature, one receives far more than that person seeks.