The Whale-Slaughtering tradition in Denmark

There is an annual tradition that takes place in Faroe Island in Denmark known as the whale-slaughtering. Fishermen lure the whales and dolphins to the seashore to slaughter around 800 of them. The sea turns (whale slaughter tradition) bloody red because of the massive slaughtering of the whales. This tradition has been followed since the days of the Vikings whose diet has naturally and mainly depended on whales’ meat.

The Danish authorities are aware of that annual event, and surprisingly they approve of it claiming that the killing of the whales is not cruel and abides by the regulations of the international laws. When the pictures went viral, people were disturbed and the news triggered their anger. Social media was bombarded by furious comments and un-contained anger towards this Danish tradition. The major perspective saw this tradition as a merciless and barbaric action that needs to stop immediately.

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