Top 8 most amazing jobs in the world


The world is filled with many unbelievable things. Today we will discuss some Jobs in the world which gives as much as salary as an IITian gets, but the important thing you won’t believe is that these kinds of job exist. Let us look at top 8 jobs of whose existence is impossible to believe.

The world is filled with many unbelievable things. Today we will discuss some Jobs in the world which gives as much as salary as an IITian gets, but the important thing you won’t believe is that these kinds of job exist. Let us look at top 8 jobs of whose existence is impossible to believe.

1) Egg Donar
Have anyone of you ever thought that you are very good at sex? If you thought this then you are pretty much ready for this job. In this job a person has to donate his sperm to some companies who then provide this to the (amazing jobs around the world) woman whose husband cannot able to make them pregnant. By doing this job a guy can earn upto 8 crore per year. Before going into this job you have to first go through medical tests.

2) Line Standars
This is also one of those job which you had never heard of before. Can you Think that a person gets money for standing in a queue in place of any other person who hates standing in large queues or has any problem because of which he or she can’t stand for longer time. Yes this job does exist. As a line standars you can earn up to 36 lakh per year.

3) Armpit sniffer
Yes you read it right. This world is full of unbelievable things. A person can earn money by sniffing armpit of other persons. Yes these days Perfume manufacturer companies are hiring people to sniff the armpit of the people and also they are paying a large amount for it. Company wants their worker to sniff the armpit of their customers before and after use of their perfumes. By doing this job you can earn 34 lakhs per year.

4) Pet food tester
Food manufacturing companies hiring people for testing pets food as well. These people doesn’t eat food made for pets they just taste it to get the idea about the texture of the food prepared. This job offers you about 60 lakhs per year.

5) Food stylish
Yes modern generation loves food which is well served more than the food which is well prepared. Sounds outrageous but this is the truth and that’s why many large restaurants today, are hiring people who can style the food in unique way and then take it to their customers. You can get up to 50000 rupees per day if you doing this job.

6) Embalmers
You have never heard of this word. Let us tell you embalmers are those people who takes care of dead body. Yes these people do makeup of dead bodies so that the people who are visiting to the last meeting wouldn’t get afraid of the dead body. Embalmers get 31 lakhs per year.

7) Paper towel sniffer

We generally use paper towel when our body parts gets dirty or sometimes when we were having cold. But these days people around the world are getting (amazing jobs around the world) jobs just to check that is there any kind of smell coming out of used paper towel and they are getting paid almost 36 lakh per year.

8) Crime scene cleaner
Yes people these are hired for cleaning crime scenes. These people first gets trained then gets the job. Every crime scene needs some kind of cleaning a nd these people insure that crime scene looks like as it was before. For this job they get almost 55 lakh per year.

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