Questions for a balcony: Lock down edition

The world has encountered a global pandemic called coronavirus where every nation is fighting its own battle against COVID19 and Lock down. Be it India, America, Spain or Italy every nation has realised the only solution to this problem is social distancing. Hence, a nationwide lockdown has been announced by many nations.

The streets are empty, people are locked in their houses and everyone wants to go back to their normal lives. The scene in Paris is somewhat different you can see people after 8 pm shouting the answers from different corners.

We understand that it is way too difficult to stay at home, but it is the only way to save lives. But, staying in quarantine is not that bad and Paris has given the best example of how you can kill your boredom.


Neighbours in the city of Paris came up with an idea to organise a quiz session. Yes, you read it right, a quiz session. In the 11th district of Paris, where lockdown is nearly a month old, people were quite restless and upset due to confinement. Mr Cartozo, who is a comedian and an actor came up with an idea to organise a quiz named “the questions for a balcony”.

Every night at 8 pm people used to come to their balconies to clap and appreciate the healthcare workers. Cartozo decided to engage people in a quiz and keep them entertained. Every odd house number competes with every even house number. The winner gets pasta and toilet paper as a prize.

Cartozo thought that this might help people in fighting against this deadly disease and will give them mental strength. Quoting one neighbour ” It makes the day seem shorter”. The quiz has helped people out there.

The time is tough and each day a new challenge pops up. But we need to stay calm and take the precautions. Let’s help each other to get out of it. Playing games, laughing and talking to people work as a remedy. This makes us believe that we all are together in this and one day this shall to pass.

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