The story behind this how magician who was in love with the local princess of the area but the princess rejected the proposal. Unhappy with the decision, he spellbinds her to make her surrender to him. But, the princess, got to know (haunted places in india) about his plans and found a way to kill him but before the magician died he cast a dark spell on the palace which caused its doom.

1.Bhangarh – Rajasthan  It is known to be one of the scariest places in India near Jaipur. Bhangarh is investigated to record folks number of supernatural activities after sunset. According to paranormal investigators, anyone who has ventured in Bhangarh fort after the sunset has never been found again and if found they are not an abnormal state. It is situated in Dausa district.

2.Dumas Beach – Gujarat Dumas has an ominous ring for its name. This beach is located near Surat, which brings on countless visitors. It is also believed that this beach was for long used as a Hindu burial ground, therefore, is the resting place of tortured souls. It is believed that many have lost their lives at this beach. There are also some reports of disappearing people mysteriously and been never been found again

3.D’Souza Chawl – Mumbai It is located near Mumbai. There are many ghost stories surrounding the chawl. Residents of the chawl believe that a woman, who used to live there was filling water from the well, plunged to her death since the well has no boundaries. Since from then, the chawl is called as ‘the lady of the well’. There are many incidents where there is a lightness of a lady.

4.The Shaniwarwada Fort – Pune The Shaniwarwada Fort in Pune is a historical place and in addition, it is one of the ghostly places in India. The fort has witnessed various strange occurrences. During a full moon, the level of supernatural activity increases. The story behind this fort is how a young prince was brutally murdered by one of his own relatives in the fort and now his spirit haunts the place and in the night, shrieking violently can be heard.

5.GP Block – Meerut This place is also on the list of one of the haunted places in India to record the paranormal activities.

There is a story that people who pass this place observe that four males sitting together and enjoying an alcoholic beverage in the company of a single lit candle. At first, this was not considered as scary but people established that the area became intrigued. In addition to this site, there are some who have also witnessed a young girl coming out of the house in what many people believe to be a red dress.

6.The Vrindavan Society – Thane Than It is a beautiful society constructed with spacious apartments. There is a reported story that there was a man who was a member of the society committed suicide and his spirit haunts the society at night. The night guards have also witnessed a lot of strange activities like getting slapped on the face.

7.Ramoji Film City – Hyderabad According to the sources, the film city is built on the war grounds of the Nizam sultans. Witnesses that the lights keep on falling off, the light men are also been pushed many a time and died.

8.Tunnel 33 – Shimla This tunnel falls in between Shimla-Kalka railway stretch. It is the longest tunnel close to Barog Railway Station which was built by Captain Barog who was a British Engineer.

9.The Brij Raj Bhavan Palace – Rajasthan The Brij Raj Bhavan Palace is in Kota, this palace has now been converted into a heritage hotel which is believed that there is British ghost who was killed during the Revolt of 1857.

Major Burton (the ghost) and his sons were shot right inside the palace and therefore, they haunt the place.

10.Kuldhara – Rajasthan Kuldhara has a horrifying evil aura in the town. According to the sources, residents who used to live there for centuries vanished overnight  and the village became deserted.

Now this is also a tourist place (haunted places in india).

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